A letter to
all Metro Vancouver mayors.
The time to act is now! Todd Stone has just confirmed
Province commitment to the 2017 start for the Fraser River Bridge. The Federal
government has not responded to the Metro environmental review request and it looks
as though they won’t. The lack of response makes it clear that the Federal
government is committed to continue to develop the Pacific Gateway Plan. This
can only be achieved with the removal of the Massey tunnel. As such, the Port
of Vancouver (POV) is driving this major traffic and transit decision. The
result is a bridge that is in the wrong location, achieves little traffic
improvement, does not deal with transit and will put more cars on the road.
ONLY VIABLE ALTERNATIVE?We DO need to improve the crossing of the Fraser. Accessing the Alex Fraser Bridge can take as long as the Massey Tunnel and is equally problematic. ANY appropriate long range planning would take care of this issue as well as the Oak and Knight Street corridors. This could be done at a fraction of the current estimated cost for the bridge. In previous planning studies this scenario added a bridge between the tunnel and the Alex Fraser and upgraded the Massey tunnel.
This alternative is much more viable for all traffic
crossing the Fraser. It would separate the traffic flows that go to Richmond
and Vancouver, Burnaby and East Vancouver and New Westminster/Annacis Island.
This would greatly improve traffic, especially if the tunnel were twinned as
planned. Traffic would move more effectively through existing stress points. As
well it would allow for traffic growth by being more efficient. The reason for the
present bridge is strictly so that the Massey tunnel can be removed to improve
shipping traffic. This is the reason for opposition to the bridge; it isn’t
being planned with the communities to serve traffic needs. Mayor Jackson is
wrong when she states that the opposition to the bridge is political. Mayor
Malcolm Brodie of Richmond is clear. There is no benefit to placing this bridge
in this location.
With the proposed bridge, traffic will increase with the
ensuing development of Delta. This will put more stress on Oak and Knight
Street and the Alex Fraser Bridge. These are finite points that cannot be changed
with acceptable costs. As a result another crossing will soon be needed to
handle this traffic. If that crossing was built now and the tunnel maintained,
we would be planning for the future. The estimated $3.5 Billion could cover a
lot of Metro Vancouver traffic issues and possibly improve transit at
the same time. The proposed bridge does none of this.
The fact is that the bridge is not the answer to our
traffic/transit infrastructure needs. POV claims not to be driving the decision
for the bridge. If this were true why is the height of the bridge established
by the Port and why is the tunnel being removed? These are strictly Port
drivers and have nothing to do with traffic, transit or planning for either.
Farm land will be lost with any proposed bridge. Saying
there will be a net gain in farmland is irresponsible on Victoria’s part. These
losses can be mitigated, but only in dialogue with the affected communities of
Richmond and Delta. Dialogue seems of little interest to the current provincial
government. Victoria is intent on reducing the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR)
and has shown little interest in protecting it. If countless public input
sessions have been held why is there so much opposition to the bridge? Why is
the community of Richmond openly against the bridge? Most attendees will tell
you the public sessions were a one way stream of information. The bridge does
not serve a community model; it is based on an economic model.
Delta will lose a lot of farmland. Adding four lanes of
traffic to reach Delta will convince people to move from Vancouver. This will
put enormous pressure on the agricultural land base which is already under
attack from POV plans. Every week Robin Silvester is quoted by the press that
there is not enough land zoned for industrial purposes.
Farmland is at a premium and prices are rising. This is at
least partially due to speculative investment. The need for Industrial and
Residential land has brought a surge of price increases to Delta. As a result
agricultural land is becoming too expensive to farm. Delta’s farmland is close
to the Vancouver market and is located in an unequaled climate zone and it is
at peril. Should the bridge be built much of it will be lost to urban sprawl as
the Metro area grows.
The mayor of Delta supports the bridge and Port development.
What has not been discussed is the incredible cost of urban sprawl. It is a
known fact that servicing residential development in lower density areas is expensive.
This cost will be borne by Delta residents. Not only will Delta lose its agricultural
community, the cost of living will continue to rise. This cost only subsidizes
development plans for the shipping industry.
From both Victoria and POV, spin appears to rule public
relations. We have been -and continue to be- lied to by Victoria and the
Federal Crown corporation*. As a result there is no trust. Worst of all is that
a $3.5 (+) Billion undertaking is to be started without the appropriate
planning and input from the communities affected. Victoria and Port
representatives continue to try and convince us that all of the expressed
concerns have been dealt with. Yet strong opposition remains and the government
refuses to delay the timeline.
Concern has been expressed over the loss of business
opportunities should the proposed bridge not be built. Consider this: The
second busiest access route to Vancouver will be in upheaval for 3-5 years.
This will only be the case if the bridge is built in the same location
as the tunnel. If the bridge is built up-river of the tunnel there will be no
loss of commerce. Jobs will be created equally by both proposals. The stress
during the construction period of the proposed bridge will be much more serious
than any experienced presently with repairs to the Patullo Bridge. The
construction of the proposed bridge will be a hardship for all commuters and
Surprisingly, the Tsawwassen first nation supports the
bridge. The giant mall being completed on their land stands to lose a lot of
business during construction. People will have little interest in driving
through a construction zone to the mall. The 1.5 million square feet of retail
outlets need clients from the outlying areas to survive.
The proposed bridge is bad for the business community.
Travel times through the construction period will be lengthened for all commuters
and commerce. Hundreds of truckloads of building materials will block or slow
traffic on a daily basis. The bottlenecks at Oak and Knight Street will only
get worse as this supply chain moves through these corridors. For all of
Vancouver, produce will cost more and will not be locally farmed or nearly as
fresh. This in turn will put more trucks on the road.
Once the bridge is built the exodus from Vancouver to more
economical housing will put yet more people on the road. Translink has made it
clear that until a higher density is reached in this area there will be no
increase in transit. As well, valuations and taxes will increase. All of these
negative by-products have not been discussed and have been avoided by Victoria
as well as Delta.
The decision for the bridge needs to be re-evaluated. Metro
Vancouver will not benefit in any way from this incredible outlay of money. All
mayors need to condemn this ineffective and wasteful proposal. The Federal
government has shown no interest in containing Port Development which hinges on
the proposed bridge. The POV Board is not responsive to community needs. The recent
Annual General Meeting actually portrayed a board that claimed to be
“collaborative”, in touch with and invested in “community”, “environmentally
focused” and “sustainable”. People in Richmond would question all of
that. Certainly the Board has no real presence in any of the affected
communities, especially not Penny Priddy, the community representative. The
port appears to be driven by CEO Robin Silvester and his initiatives to industrialize
the Fraser. As a result we have a $3.5 Billion infrastructure proposal that has
little value to the overall well being of Metro Vancouver.
*LIES WE HAVE BEEN TOLD-There will be a net gain in farmland with the proposed bridge
-We continue to work collaboratively with Metro Vancouver…to ensure this meets the needs of Metro Vancouver residents for generations
-There has never been a plan to “twin” the tunnel
-We don’t plan to dredge the Fraser River
-We will not be asking for any funding for Terminal 2 from the Federal Government
-There may be a gain in Biofilm and Sandpiper activity due to Terminal 2
-Container traffic is increasing