This was written in September of 2013 when the bridge issue first came to play. It was sent to to the Vancouver Sun and the Delta Optimist but not printed.
As you will
probably agree the decision to replace the Massey Tunnel is continuing to raise
a lot of commentary. Not surprisingly as the decision continues to seem purely
It would be interesting to see the public input that Premier
Clark states would have the tunnel replaced and a bridge put in its place.
Certainly here in the most affected Delta area no-one would have dreamed of
this scenario. Accept, of course, Mayor Jackson. It seems highly unlikely that
Richmond would be interested as it only exacerbates their difficult access to
Vancouver. The North Delta area as well as White Rock would also not be real
interested in this proposal as it would appear to invite the coal terminal. Our
Americans neighbors don’t want this coal shipped from their ports. Not
surprisingly as it will eventually mean 18 (yes, 18) 1 mile long trains of coal
per day with the ensuing environmental issues.
This brings
us to the crux of the matter. Why is this bridge in the offing? Besides the
political maneuvering of the Liberal party, that is. There is only one reason
and Premier Clark has made it clear that this why the tunnel is being removed
and not kept. The expansion of the Fraser River port system. Removing the
tunnel will allow larger ships up the Fraser to the Surrey docks. It shouldn’t
be a surprise that this comes at a time when the US coal producers are looking
for a port to ship their product from.
This is the
only reason the “aging” tunnel is marked for the recycling bin. The tunnel
is-and will continue-to be useable for quite some time. There really is no
other reason to decommission it.
sad part of all of this maneuvering is that the REAL traffic congestion will
not be dealt with. The Richmond bottleneck will only get worse with improved
traffic from the Delta region. And make no mistake; once the Port has expanded
there will be more need for housing on this side and traffic will get worse.
This brings
us to the final factor in all of this, the Tsawwassen first nations (TFN) development
proposals. Has anyone wondered how it got to be that a 1.5 Million square feet
(yes that figure is correct) “Destination” Mall was planned for this part of
the world? When it is surrounded by Malls in Richmond and Surrey and has no
population base for any mall development? Everyone here has been scratching
their collective heads wondering how such a development could ever survive. And
of course, the Federal Government would never let their first Native agreement
falter, so there we are. Sadly this also opens the door for the TFN to claim
further lands, including any land from the Agricultural Land Reserve for “their”
needs. One can only guess at the various commercial or industrial proposals
they will “partner“ into because of their ability to access land around the
This brings
me back to the beginning. If there is money to be spent on revitalizing the
traffic routes from the South the tunnel needs to be a part of it. And the
bridge needs to be in a location where the traffic not wanting to go to
Vancouver can partially skirt the city. This would take away a lot of the
congestion in Richmond and ultimately make the most efficient overall system.
It would undoubtedly be cheaper and allow for mass transit to be funded as part
of the cost. And yes, the port expansion would not happen. Sometimes we need to
look at the quality of life issues before we look at the economy. Either that
or look at in tandem rather than base all of our decisions on economic factors
The next posting, about the casino should state that it was written in June of 2013, NOT 2014!
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