January 27, 2016
The Hourable Amerjeet Sohi, Minister of Infrastructure and
The Honourable Marc Garneau MP, Minister of Transport The Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities, MP Delta
Alice Wong, MP Richmond Center
House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau
Ministers, Government of CanadaPort Metro Vancouver Board of Directors
Infrastructure spending, Real Change, Smart Growth and protection of the Fraser River
In a recent contact with Mr.
Garneau about the flawed environmental processes for Port Metro Vancouver
undertakings, the following response was received:
Port Authorities must comply with the Canada Marine Act, other laws and
regulations, and their individual letters patent. The Act does not allow
the government to direct Port Metro Vancouver; rather, section 20 of the Act
makes the Board of Directors responsible for the management of the activities
of Port Metro Vancouver.
I would therefore encourage you to make your views
known directly to Port Metro Vancouver at http://www.portmetrovancouver.com/contact-us/.”
Garneau’s statement appears to contravene the doctrine of “nondelegation” which
directs that a branch of government must not authorize another entity to
exercise the power or function to which it is constitutionally authorized to
exercise itself. As stated in the guidelines for “Open and Accountable
Government” declared by the new Liberal Government on November 27, 2015:
Ministers remain accountable to Parliament for the organizations in their
portfolio, and are responsible for taking appropriate corrective action to
address any problems that may arise, consistent with the Minister’s role with
respect to the organization in question. This applies regardless of whether the
problem has been brought to the attention of the Minister by the
representations of a constituent, or any other source.”
The Port Metro Board is made up
largely of Industry Professionals only one of whom is chosen by the communities
affected. Eight of the 11 board members are Federal Government appointees,
seven of which are chosen in consultation with the Port user advisory
committee. As you can see the board is heavily weighted to favour Port activity
with really only one member ostensibly concerned with community issues. As such
it is easy to see how community input is marginalized.For years many people including professionals have expressed their views to CEO Robin Sylvester and the Port Authority with little response. A recent comment made by Mr. Sylvester stated that: “As a federal body here at Port Metro Vancouver, we have supremacy.”
There are a number of Infrastructure
projects being planned by Port Metro Vancouver. Several of these will be
applying for Federal Infrastructure funding, the biggest of which is a bridge
across the Fraser River ostensibly planned by the British Columbia Government.
The driver for this traffic and transit project appears to be Port Metro
Vancouver. Mr. Sylvester has stated for years that he wants to see the existing
tunnel moved in order to allow deeper hull vessels to travel up the South
Fraser River.
This project is in almost every
possible way in direct conflict with the REAL CHANGE directives the Liberal
government espouses. It does nothing for public transit, and fails as a ‘green
infrastructure’ or ‘social infrastructure’. As such it does nothing to achieve
any of the “Smart Growth Communitiesto ensure that growth is fiscally,
environmentally and socially responsible. Nor does it recognize the connections
between development and quality of life. A number of the Metro Mayors are not
supportive of this project probably because:
Only bus lanes are added, no transit
infrastructure is considered or budgeted
- More fuel will be consumed accessing this long tall bridge than any tunnel access
A perfectly functional tunnel will be dismantled
creating unnecessary waste- $20 Million recently spent on Seismic upgrading for the tunnel will have been wasted
- More farmland will be taken over for the additional roadways and access points
- Overall roadway infrastructure for the Metro region will not be improved
- Urban sprawl will result from this 10 lane bridge putting more traffic on the roads
- This urban sprawl will take over some of the best farmland in Canada
- This farmland easily supplies a lot of local produce to the nearby Vancouver market
The consultation for this project was minimal and all options presented led to the bridge being the best option. Appropriate (non-political) planning would show that much better solutions are possible. Using the existing tunnel as a base, LESS traffic would be directed towards the existing corridors. All this could be achieved with a much lower budget. This would allow money for actual public transit to the region taking vehicles off the road rather than putting more vehicles on the road.
The plan for the bridge is in almost every possible way in direct conflict with the REAL CHANGE
initiative. It does very little for public transit and fails as 'green infrastructure' or 'social infrastructure'. Neither does the plan fulfill the Port's vision or mission statement:
"Inspiring support ….from
communities locally and across the nation,"
“To lead the growth of Canada's Pacific
Gateway in a manner that enhances the well-being of Canadians and inspires
national pride”.
Please insure that no
Infrastructure funding be allocated to any projects on the Fraser until they
meet the goals you have set forth both in Paris and with your REAL CHANGE
REAL CHANGE initiatives can protect
the Fraser River. It can do this while offering economic opportunities that
enhance quality of life through 'Smart Growth' principles.
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